Utility Handset Server Logs

Generally you can view the fileserver Utility server webpage, and can download the log as a text file and use via Notepad etc.

However you can also SSH to the Utility server via the ‘admin’ login, and run the following commands;

tail –f /var/log/httpd/access_log (Shows last few lines of the handsets access the log and entries in realtime.)

cat /var/log/httpd/access_log | grep <VARIABLE> (will show you all entries in the log for the variable entered)

IP address (of handset)
Handset type
GET or PUT (for handset backups)
Filename (for specific file downloads – eg 46xxsettings.txt etc)
HTTP command results (eg “200” = OK, “404” = file not found etc)

For example handset has an IP address of you would use the following;
tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log| grep -i

Author: Darren Adams

The Avaya Engineer

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