IPSI Board

Been a while since I logged in to and IPSI board so just to remind myself.

From the shell command of you server

cm-server> ipsisession -c 3a (the ipsi board you want to connect to)
ssh service enabled.
Use this password for the ssh session: abc123abc (you will be allocated a password)

cm-server> ssh -l init (ip address of the ipsi board)

init@’s password: enter the password from above

You will get the following options press 1 for IP Administration

IPSI SSH Options:
Enter ‘1’ for IP Administration
Enter ‘2’ for VxWorks Shell

TN2312 IPSI IP Admin Utility
Copyright Avaya Inc, 2003, All Rights Reserved


Now login to the ipsi to review or change the settings as required;

[IPSI]: ipsilogin

Login: craft
Password: s******s

[IPSIADMIN] help ?
[IPSIADMIN] show ?

Displays list of available commands. If a command name
accompanies ‘help’, help for that command is printed.

[IPSIADMIN] show control interface
[IPSIADMIN] show control gateway
[IPSIADMIN] set control interface {IP_address} {mask}
[IPSIADMIN] set control gateway {gateway_address}
[IPSIADMIN] set control negotiation disable
[IPSIADMIN] set control speed 100MB
[IPSIADMIN] set control duplex full


IPSI Sanity Errors Gotcha

Had bit of a gotcha moment which caught me out and took a little longer than I would have liked to resolve.

The customer was experiencing the whole port network reset but from the logs we were seeing sanity errors, they investigated the network and found nothing. I replaced the IPSI board, cable and adapter but no change and we reached a stalemate both thinking it was each other. In the event we run a wireshark trace on the port but that came to nothing.

By accident while searching the Avaya site for IPSI related issues I came across an old Avaya PSN1380u issued back in 2007. In affect a momentary power shutdown can be caused when CM performs Test 51 Ring Application Test on TN2215 boards.

The resolution is to either install an additional TN2215 in the rack, replace it with a TN2215 vintage 18 or higher or replace the power supplies with units without the DT in the serial number. In this case the analogue TN2215 card which was at vintage 15, along with the 655A power supply’s having DT serial numbers.

I busied out the analogue board and disabled test 51 as a temporary measure and it stopped.

Analogue Board
01A08    ANALOG LINE             TN2215   000015

Power Supplies
01A00     08DT50664809   Power Unit 655A Rev 01 700381452   1.12
01A15     08DT37555245   Power Unit 655A Rev 01 700381452   1.12

IPSI access via SSH

From the CM bash prompt:
Disable any session to IPSI: ipsisession -d -c 01A
Enable session to IPSI: ipsisession -c 01A
Copy password that was created
Access to your IPSI: ssh init@ipsi-a01a. respone to the “yes/no” question by typing “yes”. enter the password that was given to you

You may have to hit enter to get the prompt but then you will see;
IPSI SSH Options:
Enter ‘1′ for IP Administration
Enter ‘2′ for VxWorks Shell

This is where you’ll enter “1″ then type: ispilogin and the login / password for the IPSI.